Dimatec™ is a Tier 1 automotive automation facilitator and integrator founded in 1981 by Andrew Bailey, who has over 40 years experience of designing, engineering, specifying and supplying complete direct glazing and other automation systems mainly to automotive clients around the World, our aim is to offer practicable solutions in many engineering disciplines.

We supply genuine new Dimatec™ pumps and associated equipment, metering dosers, 6th & 7th axes for all types of adhesive, sealant and primer applications, automated nozzle cleaners, heated hoses and completely integrated dispensing systems and replacement spare parts in conjunction with strategic partners. We know that this dispensing equipment is not bettered anywhere for quality, performance and price, as witnessed by the many hundreds of these facilities which have been delivered over decades throughout the world for automotive vehicle direct glazing and similar applications.

Contact us now for a preliminary proposal

Our Services

Contact us now to discuss your requirements

Strategic Partners

We have formed an official partnership with Dimatec S.A. in Spain, who are the official producer of the Dimatec™ range of products.


A short compilation of video clips of facilities with which Andrew Bailey (Dimatec™) has been Involved.


Global Tier 1 Supplier To These Organisations:

agc bmw buck and hickman castrol dertitend eriks ford gereral motors hagemeyer honda ibc jaguar kia land rover nissan norgren trelleborg vauxhall


Address: 10, Chartmoor Road, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 4WG
Email: info@dimatec.co.uk

© 2022 Dimatec Ltd.